

Be a part of AZD’s music videos who have top-level models performing in them. This is IMC Royalty Modeling. In this episode Yogi Chris lays out the strategy to picking up top-level models.

How to create relationships with women and keep them. Can you handle being in multiple relationships with women? Each woman has their own drama and darkness, do you have the knowledge and courage to handle it?

More women means there will be more problems. New levels result in new devils, are you strong enough to face it?

Listen in and find out.


AZD DRAGON’S LAIR DAILY MENTORSHIP PROGRAM https://www.arashzepar.com/a/2147519866/FNtLA37h

ADVANCED TRAINING REGISTRATION https://www.imcbaseone.com


Follow our show for content and announcements! https://geni.us/LfLAcqE/

Check out this episode!

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