
Ground & Relax

16 videos / total run time 2 hr 57 min
$37 (or comes with Silent Flute membership $77) until May 16th / $57 after May 16th
  1. (28 min) The mindset of relaxation practices
  2. (4 min) Progressive relaxation
  3. (7 min) Let it all flow away
  4. (10 min) Center In On your spine
  5. (10 min) Scan your bones
  6. (10 min) Grounding after Yoga Class
  7. (6 min) Nerve & Spine Relaxation Before Bed
  8. (10 min) Soften and clearing eyes
  9. (6 min) Shedding tension layers with breath meditation
  10. (9 min) White space and relationship with gravity
  11. (10 min) Relaxation and visual anchors
  12. (10 min) First Rib – Palate Alignment
  13. (4 min) How to Get Good at Relaxing
  14. (10 min) How to Relax your TMJ (jaw joint)
  15. (20 min) Jaw relaxation visualization
  16. (23 min) Face Relaxation and Eye Cleansing Practice


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